The RF JSON2RC module performs post-processing of JSON files generated by DRACO, into RC files. These can be further processed via the rf-norm module to obtain normalized reactivity profiles for structure prediction with the rf-fold module.



To list the required parameters, simply type:

$ rf-json2rc -h
Parameter Type Description
-o or --output-dir string Output directory for writing counts in RC (RNA Count) format (Default: rf_json2rc/)
-ow or --overwrite Overwrites the output directory if already exists
-j or --json string A comma-separated list of DRACO JSON files from replicate experiments
-r or --rc string A comma-separated list of RC files from replicate experiments
Note: the RC files must follow the same order of the JSON files
-rci or --rc-index string A comma-separated list of RCI index files
Note #1: the RCI indexes must follow the same order of the RC files.
Note #2: if a single RCI index is provided, it will be used for all the RC files.
-ep or --median-pre-cov int Windows with median preCoverage (see DRACO docs for more information) below this threshold, will be discarded (Default: 1000)
-ec or --median-cov int Windows with a mediam cumulative coverage (the sum of the coverage across all the conformations for that window) below this threshold, will be discarded (Default: 5000)
-sz or --skip-zero-cluster-wins Skips windows for which DRACO failed to identify the number of conformations
-nc or --min-confs int Windows forming less than this number of conformations will be discarded (Default: 2)
-xc or --max-confs int Windows forming more than this number of conformations will be discarded (Default: no limit)
-nm or --no-merge-overlapping Disables merging of intra-replicate concordant overlapping windows
-mom or --min-overlap-merge float Minimum fractional overlap between two concordant overlapping windows to be merged (0-1, Default: 0.5)
-mcm or --min-corr-merge float Minimum average correlation between corresponding conformations for concordant overlapping windows to be merged (0-1, Default: 0.7)
-e or --extend int Windows are extended by these many bases upstream and downstream (Default: off)
Note: these bases will be assigned a coverage and mutation count of 0
-sr or --surround-to-rc Instead of getting coverage and mutation count of 0, bases in up/downstream extensions will be assigned the same coverage and mutation count they have in the input RC files (requires -e)
-i or --ignore-terminal float Coverage and mutation counts for this fraction of bases at window termini will be set to 0 (0-0.2, Default: 0.05)
-ki or --keep-ignored Bases ignored during correlation calculation, will be kept in the output RC files
Note: by default, both counts and coverage for these bases is set to 0
-mor or --min-overlap-reps float Minimum fractional overlap between windows across replicates to be merged (0-1, Default: 0.75)
-mcr or --min-corr-reps float Minimum correlation between corresponding conformations for matched windows across replicates, to be reported (0-1, Default: 0.7)
-s or --spearman Spearman will be used instead of Pearson for correlation analysis
-cf or --cap-mut-freqs float Mutation frequencies will be capped to this value for correlation calculation (>0-1, Default: 1 (no cap))

Understanding the algorithm

Windows are pre-filtered based on a number of criteria:

  1. The median preCoverage (the coverage calculated only on the reads used for the spectral analysis) must be ≥ --median-pre-cov
  2. The median cumulative coverage (the sum of the coverage across all the conformations for a given window) must be ≥ --median-cov
  3. If --skip-zero-cluster-wins has been specified, windows for which DRACO failed to identify the number of conformations will be discarded, otherwise they will be assumed to form a single conformation
  4. Windows forming < --min-confs conformations will be discarded
  5. Windows forming > --max-confs conformations will be discarded

DRACO analysis is performed in sliding windows. When two consecutive windows are found to form the same number of conformations, they are automatically merged. However, in certain cases, it might be possible for two non-consecutive overlapping windows forming the same number of conformations, to be interspersed among windows forming a different number of conformations.
Let's consider the following example:

Merging windows

In this case, four windows overlap. Of these, three form 2 conformations, while one forms 3 conformations. As long as the --no-merge-overlapping parameter has not been specified, the first step of the analysis will consist of merging overlapping windows forming a concordant number of conformations. The minimum overlap between two windows must be ≥ --min-overlap-merge × the length of the smaller window. In the above example, Win #3 overlaps by 70% of its length with Win #1. Similarly, 90% of Win #4 overlaps with Win #3, therefore all three windows could in principle be merged (with default parameters).
Before being merged, however, the overlapping segments of the conformations making up the two overlapping windows need to be matched.

Window correlation

To this end, the pairwise correlation between the reactivity profile for each conformation of the two windows is calculated at the level of the overlap. Any possible combination is evaluated, and the one yielding the highest average correlation coefficient is selected. If the average correlation coefficient exceeds the --min-corr-merge threshold, the two windows (and corresponding conformations) are merged. If the average correlation does not exceed the threshold, the two windows are not merged. Pearson correlation is used by default; alternatively, Spearman correlation can be used, by specifying the --spearman parameter. The stoichiometries of the different conformations for the merged windows are averaged.
If a single JSON file has been provided, the resulting windows are then directly reported in the RC file. If multiple JSON files have been provided, instead, the algorithm will first look for windows common to all replicates.

Window correlation

Windows overlapping across all the replicates, coherently forming the same number of conformations, are merged if the minimum overlap is ≥ --min-overlap-reps × the length of the smaller window. Only windows common to all replicates will be reported. In the above example Win #1 and Win #2 from Replicate #1 overlap with their counterpart from Replicate #2, while Win #3 does not; therefore, only Win #1 and Win 2 could in principle be reported. Analogously to what happens when merging overlapping windows within the same replicate, also in this case the pairwise correlation between the reactivity profile for each conformation of the windows is calculated, and the one yielding the highest average correlation coefficient is selected. If the average correlation coefficient exceeds the --min-corr-reps threshold, the windows are merged, and reported in the resulting RC file.
An RC file will be generated for each replicate being analyzed. Naming and sorting of the windows is consistent across replicates. For each window, different conformations are marked by the _c<n> suffix, where n is an arbitrary number assigned to a specific conformation. When reporting windows in the output RC file, these can be enlarged both upstream and downstream by --extend bases, to account for the possibility that the structure(s) formed by a given window might involve extra bases outside of the window's boundaries. By default, these extra bases are assigned both mutation count and coverage of 0. If --surround-to-rc has been specified, however, the mutation count and coverage for these bases will be directly extracted from the corresponding RC file provided via --rc. This file is supposed to be the RC file generated by rf-count alongside the MM file that has been analyzed with DRACO. Furthermore, to account for the lower reliability of bases closer to window boundaries, up to 20% of the terminal bases in a window can be masked by specifying the --ignore-terminal parameter; when doing so, mutation counts and coverage for these bases will be set to 0.
Alongside with the RC files, the stoichiometries.txt file will be generated, with the following structure:

Transcript      Start   End     extStart    extEnd  Replicate_1         Replicate_2
Transcript_1    704     1022    654         1072    0.562;0.438         0.541;0.459
Transcript_1    1024    1358    974         1408    0.537;0.463         0.537;0.463
Transcript_n    27984   28294   27934       28344   0.570;0.430         0.510;0.490
Transcript_n    29184   29358   29134       29408   0.380;0.314;0.307   0.344;0.299;357

where Transcript is the transcript ID, start and end are the coordinates (0-based) of the window, and extStart and extEnd are the coordinates of the window after being extended by --extend bases. Following these columns, a column will be present for each replicate having been analyzed, reporting the relative stoichiometries of the conformations for that window.